Especially for you: five inspirational Halloween recipes

story by Veliche™

It’s almost October 31st: Halloween! After Christmas, this is the most commercial festive occasion in the USA. The trend has also made its way to Europe, where it is celebrated with growing enthusiasm. Halloween offers chocolate professionals a fantastic opportunity to demonstrate their talent. To bring you spooky inspiration, we’ve listed our five most delicious Halloween recipes in this blog. But first, a little history…

What are the origins of Halloween?

The word ‘Halloween’ is derived from ‘Hallow-e’en’, or ‘All Hallows Eve’. October 31 was once a sort of New Year’s Eve: according to the Celtic calendar, the year doesn’t start on January 1, but on November 1. Around that time, the harvest would have been finished, so there would be time (and money) to take a day off. Furthermore, there would be enough vegetables (such as pumpkins!) around to decorate the home. On the evening of Halloween, we say goodbye to the past and look towards the future. This is now one of the most lavishly celebrated holidays in the United States – and a source of inspiration for our chefs, who have come up with five sublime recipes;

Inspiring Halloween recipes

The most well known Halloween symbol, the jack-o-lantern, is a magical source of inspiration for conjuring up wonderful and tasty creations. Our ambassador chefs Peter Remmelzwaal and Francois Galtier certainly agree!

I. Spicy Pumpkin Bonbon

A bonbon featuring Hazelnut Praliné 65%, pumpkin seeds and pepper-laced pumpkin jelly! This recipe is shown step by step so that you can recreate it easily. Find out how to make this creepy treat here!

II. Jack o’cheesecake

The chocolate shell is made with Obsession 30 Belgian white chocolate and the filling consists of a delicious lime cheesecake ganache combined with the taste of poached orange. Read the full recipe here.

III. Crunchy pumpkin seed praliné

The pumpkin returns in this recipe! This praliné is made from pumpkin seeds. If you’re preparing a pumpkin, don’t throw away the seeds – instead, you can turn them into delicious chocolates!

IV. Magic Potion

This little masterpiece may look complicated, but practical photos of each step show easy it is to make this Halloween creation. Taste how the exotic flavours of mango puree and passion fruit blend with our Emotion 58 Belgian dark chocolate and Hazelnut praliné 65%.

V. Vampire’s Opera

Coffee flavour merges with our white and dark chocolate in a hauntingly tasty treat… The joconde biscuit provides a delicious bite and decorated bats complete this creation. Read more here!

Get inspired by our chefs and discover how easily Veliche™ Gourmet chocolate can be used in your Halloween creations. You can find all of these recipes and more on our inspiration page. Don’t want to miss out on new recipes? Follow us on Facebook and Instagram!

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